Photos of Award Winning Irises Needed for Iris Encyclopedia

The Iris Encyclopedia has compete listings of American Iris Society Medal winners.  Many of these Medals have a page where you can see photos of the winning irises.  For example, the Dykes Medal, the highest honor, can be seen here. And many of the winners have several photos on their individual pages.  However, in updating these pages to include the 2012 winners, I realized there are several winning irises that have no photos!

While we would like to have photos, or several photos, for every iris in the Iris Encyclopedia, we definitely should have photos of the winning irises.  Can you help us?  What we need are photos you have taken or photos you’ve received permission to use from other sources.  There are photos of some (maybe all) of these irises on the Internet.  However, we need permission from the owner to use the picture.  You can add the photo yourself or we will be glad to do it for you.

Here is a list of the irises needing photos arranged by Medal or Award.  The Dykes Medal, the Founders of SIGNA Medal, the Randolph-Perry Medal, and the Wister Medal are the only ones having photos for all the winning irises.  In fact, ‘Ginny’s Choice’, the 2012 DeBaillion Medal winner from Wayland Rudkin needs a photo!  [Update:  We now have a photo of ‘Ginny’s Choice’ and have included it in the DeBaillion Medal page! 5/2/13]

As a special note for Region 21 members, there are both winning irises by the Sass brothers and Sass Medal/Award winners needing photos.  These are:

Caparne Award

1962 – ‘Black Baby’– H. Sass

1950 – ‘Sound Money’ – J. Sass

and these Sass Medal winners

1975 – ‘Butterscotch Frills’ – M. Hamblen

1974 – ‘Little Bit Blue’ – G. Plough

1973 – ‘Lemon Flurry’ T. Muhlestein

1970 – ‘Drummer Boy’ – Schreiner

1969 – ‘Lime Ripples’ – A. Brown

1966 – (M) ‘Kiss Me Kate’ – P. Cook

1963 – ‘Cloud Fluff’ – W. Greenlee

Can you help with these or any of the other irises on the list?  Thank you!


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